The Ocean Pro nylon weight belt has a stainless steel lock and buckle. The construction of the black nylon is ultra tough.
This webbed weight belt has quick-release buckle made from stainless steel which is very popular due to it being so strong. The webbing is also extremely tough and durable which is what you want when it comes to a weight belt.
Some divers have BCDs with integrated weights these days, however a weight belt divers do prefer weight belts like the Ocean Pro Nylon Weight Belt. Also these do come in handy if you are snorkelling or spearfishing as you will also need weight to get below that buoyancy level.
Total length 1.5 m.
Check out our range of weight belts here
Some weight belt info:
Divers wear weight belts or weights to counteract the buoyancy of other diving equipment. Wetsuits and aluminium diving cylinders, and buoyancy of the diver are all factors to consider. The scuba diver should be weighted enough to be slightly negatively buoyant. The diver should maintain neutral buoyancy at safety or decompression stops. During the dive, the diver can adjust buoyancy by adjusting the volume of air in the BCD.
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